#Gb dmg writer install
Ls -1 /dev/disk?s* | grep "$DISK" | perl -p -e 's/^(.*)$/diskutil unmount $1 /g' | bash 2>/dev/nullĪccidentally writing an image to your internal drive will require a fresh OS X install to correct. Ls -1 /dev/disk?s* | grep "$DISK" | perl -p -e 's/^(.*)$/diskutil unmount $1 /g'Įcho "Press to continue or + to cancel" ME=$( id | grep root | wc -l | perl -p -e 's/+//g') ĭISK=$(ls -l /dev/disk? | wc -l |perl -p -e 's///g')Įcho $(diskutil information $DISK | grep Total) Yes the simple answer is to just dd it, but there are some safety precautions you may want to enforce by wrapping your dd in a script #!/bin/bash As an example for my Samsung 8GB SD card the write speed was 12MB/s the command took 11mins to complete. You can press CTRL+T to see the current status of dd. Note the 'r' added to rdisk3 which drastically improves write performance by telling dd to operate in raw disk mode: sudo dd if=RetroPieImage_ver2.3.img of=/dev/rdisk3 bs=1mĭepending on the size of your SDcard this may take a while. If you have an existing partition on the disk you may need to unmount it, otherwise you'll get a "Resource busy" error message when you try to write the image. In this case I can verify /dev/disk3 is my SD card because the TYPE, NAME and SIZE values are correct. Here's the relevant line from my output: /dev/disk3 The output shows a list of disks currently mounted on the system. You can do this by running the following command from terminal: